
An intuitive, standalone, and object-oriented library for file and path operations.

Path-PHP aims to allow you to build and manipulate paths, iterate over files and directories, and perform virtually all of PHP's built-in file operations.

It also aims to fill the gaps of missing object-oriented and convenient file manipulation methods in the PHP core, by providing common methods that are absent from the builtin methods, such as a variety of recursive operations, and a real error management during file operations.


Make a Path object :

use Path\Path;

$dir = new Path('/home/user/myFile.txt');

Build and manipulate paths :

use Path\Path;

// Instantiate a new path
$dir = new Path('/home/user/workdir');

// Add a part to your path: '/home/user/workdir/foo.txt'
$newPath = $dir->append('foo.txt');

// Add multiple parts to your path: '/home/user/workdir/sub_dir/foo.txt'
$otherPath = $dir->append('sub_dir', 'foo.txt');

// Get the parent dir of your path: '/home/user'
$parentDir = $dir->parent();

Browse directories and files :

use Path\Path;

$dir = new Path('/home/user/workdir');

// Iterate over the files in '/home/user/workdir'
foreach ($dir->files() as $file) {
    // ...

// Iterate over the directories in '/home/user/workdir'
foreach ($dir->dirs() as $dir) {
    // ...

// Recursively walk over the files and directories with walkDir or glob
foreach ($dir->walkDirs() as $dir) {
    // ...

foreach ($dir->glob('*.txt') as $file) {
    // ...

Perform all the file operations allowed by PHP's builtin functions :

use Path\Path;

$file = new Path('/home/user/file.txt');

// Get file's name (without extension)

// Or file's basename (with extension)

// Or get its extension

// Check if the file exists

// Get its absolute path

// And more
// ...etc

And more :

use Path\Path;

$dir = new Path('/home/user/foo');

// Recursively copy a directory
$target = new Path('/home/user/bar');

// Recursively remove a directory and its content

// Expand global variables in the path

// And more

Get explicit and catchable exceptions :

use Path\Path;

$file = new Path('/home/user/foo.txt');

// >>> FileNotFoundException('File does not exist: /home/user/foo.txt')